Terms and Conditions

Pet care

During the grooming process all care is taken to ensure the health of your pet. Dial A Dog Wash groomers are not liable for any pre existing conditions found during the grooming process. Any advice given regarding the health of your dog should be checked by a vet.

Dogs with health problems and elderly dogs are groomed at the owners risk and the groomer reserves the right to refuse to groom a dog. All health problems should be bought to the attention of the groomer prior To the grooming session.

De matting

During the process of grooming matted fur,the owner should be aware that irritation may occur from the shaving process, mats are often tight to the skin and therefore in order to remove them the skin may be caught due to the close proximity. The owner agrees that Dial A Dog Wash shall not be held liable for any after grooming effects of mat clipping procedures or problems uncovered on a matted coat.

The owner agrees to pay all costs for grooming of the dog including de-matting,wether or not the groomers is able to complete the job.

Aggressive Dogs

Dial A Dog Wash reserves the right to refuse to groom any dog for the safety of both groomer and dog.

The owner agrees to inform the Dial A Dog Wash groomer before grooming if the dog has any aggressive tendencies or if it has bitten anybody before. The owner agrees to be liable for all bites caused by their dog.

Condition of guarantee

Guarantee of service and any refunds,will only be considered if a customers dog has been groomed professionly prior to Dial A Dog Wash calling.This is to ensure the dogs coat is in good condition, knot and matt free.


We require at least 24hours notice of cancellation.